Andrew Pollock
I was born in Napier NZ and within 6 weeks I was in Melbourne from where we continued travelling (My father worked in Mining equipment sales). We didn't stop until my elder sister and I reached school age. All my schooling years were spent in Queensland finishing with a degree at the University of Queensland.
I have been a vet for over 20 yrs and have been slow to grow up and get to doing something old and sensible
I have kept a wide variety of animals from a very young age and am currently sans animal, unless you count the 3 kids.
I have travelled as much as I can and enjoyed almost every bit of it.
I have worked in a multitude of veterinary practices and with a multitude of different types of vets , the one who I admire most highly had been a Vet since I was born and was probably one the brightest people whom I have encountered. Even at an advanced age he always wanted to do the right thing for the animals and he was constantly learning and encouraging others to improve themselves. He is compassionate and was always an advocate for the animals. I hope some of that has rubbed off on me.
I came to Busselton with very little knowledge of what to expect, I had chosen Western Australia as somewhere to explore when I returned to Australia and my wife spent a good deal of time finding out that the South West of Western Australia is pretty highly rated all over the world.
We both love the area and are really enjoying bringing up a family here, it is a fantastic place to live.
Probably naively I am hoping that working for myself and trying to give something into the community I want to live in will help me have more flexible time to spend with my young family and friends in this great environment.
I would like to become more self sufficient and hope to find time to return to training for triathlons, maybe being involved in the kids sports clubs and generally just enjoying all that is the great south west